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Executive summary

Departures of subscribers from the Affected Area: At least 18,100 Digicel subscribers have departed from Avenue Christophe, Bas Peu de Chose,  Champ-de-Mars, Fort National and Poste Marchand (hereafter affected areas) due to the 29 February attacks and subsequent unrests in downtown Port-au-Prince. These locations correspond to those reported by DTM in the ETT 39.1

Destination of displaced subscribers: As of 12 March, we observe a large increase in the number of new residents, likely to be internally displaced people, in Pacot, Croix Desprex - Ti-Source, Bois Verna and Désiré neighbourhoods of the Port-au-Prince commune. Based on the number of arriving residents in excess of the normal number of arrivals, we estimate over 2,000 displaced people in Pacot; over 1,000 in Croix Desprez - Ti-Source; over 1,000 in Bois Verna; as well as over 1,000 in the Désiré - Boutilier neighbourhood of the Petion-Ville commune. However, not all new residents are from the affected areas; in total 5,300 residents are displaced from the affected areas (1,500 to Pacot; 700 to Bois Verna; 600 to Croix Desprez - Ti-Source; 700 to Désiré - Boutilier). 

Temporal evolution of displacements: As of 12 March, new displacements to most host areas from the affected areas have nearly ended (see time series ‘arrivals’), except for Bois Verna where the number of new arrivals still increases. Resident numbers in the host areas remain larger than usual but stable since early March, except in Bois Verna where the number of residents still increases (see time series ‘residents in host areas’). Returns to the affected areas are not yet observed, and the number of residents is still declining there (see time series ‘residents in affected areas’).

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About this report

Authors & contributors

This report was authored by the Flowminder Foundation, by Galina Veres and Veronique Lefebvre, with the contribution of James Harrison, Sophie Delaporte, and Xavier Vollenweider.

Galina Veres analysed, interpreted and wrote the report; Veronique Lefebvre directed the analysis; James Harrison produced the aggregates derived from CDR data; Sophie Delaporte supported with information product design, report review, translation and data visualisation; and Xavier Vollenweider supported with report writing.

This study was made possible thanks to the anonymised (aggregated) mobile phone usage data provided by Digicel Haiti

Data privacy & governance

No personal data, such as an individual’s identity, demographics, location, contacts or movements, is made available to the government or any other third party at any time. All results produced by Flowminder are aggregated results (for example, subscriber density in a given municipality), which means that they do not contain any information about individual subscribers.

This data is fully anonymised. This approach complies with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR2016/679). Data is processed on a server installed behind the mobile network operator’s firewall in Haiti, and no personal data eaves the operator’s premises.

Data considerations

The estimates shown are our best current assessment of movements. However, there are a number of uncertainties. The information should be interpreted together with other available evidence.

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